
Showing posts from 2019

Light and Dark

“I have come to appreciate Advent so much more without the light/dark binary. Rather, I see darkness as the generative space in which light is conceived and from which it is born. Both holy, both life-giving.” This morning, these words by Episcopal priest and biblical scholar, Wil Gafney, were shared on social media. It immediately made me consider the truth that darkness is not always scary and best avoided. Without darkness, we could not see the beauty of stars and moon in the night sky. Without darkness, we would not need candles. Without darkness, we could not sleep—at least not so soundly. But even more, I think of the spring bulbs planted in the fall that will rest in the dark earth before bringing the beauty of blossoms to our summer gardens. I think of dough rising beneath a warm towel to leaven the bread and bakery goods that we share with delight. I think of worries or puzzlements that we take to bed with us that simmer through the night and become clear with the morning

Late Autumn Remembrances

On this rainy and drear late October day, I resist going outside and spend much of my day in my bathrobe reading older posts and journal entries, avoiding looking forward to the next leg of my path in ministry.      My eye is caught by a small quilt that still hangs on my wall where it has been for nearly fifteen years. It was made for me by my Sunday School children as a farewell gift when I left their church. At the top, it says "Rev. Gloria's Favorite Things," and consists of quilt blocks with hand drawn pictures. Now, I'm certain the adults guided this creation. Otherwise, these children and youth saw far more into my person than I ever would have guessed! The depictions of favorite things follow themes that truly reflect my personal life. A bit of church life, too, I suppose, though there is nothing overtly theological. There are dogs and cats; coffee, candles, and music; books--fortunately the Bible is included; mountains and airplanes; and, less frequently,