I Am a Coward

Yes, I am a coward.  Furthermore, I always think of what I should have said a day too late.  And so it was yesterday.
     We have a rather nice group of united churches here.  We meet monthly, and, more or less, do things together.  The biggest accomplishment is an active food pantry.  But we also have several combined worship services throughout the year and other opportunities for outreach.  I say "more or less" because, since there is a rather broad spectrum of theology and practice that is represented, not all churches participate in all things.  For example, there is a tradition of a combined Good Friday service, but the Catholic parishes have their own services, and I'm not sure what the non-denomina-tional churches do.
     We gathered for our first meeting of the new season yesterday.  Two guest speakers presented their organization's newly formed activities in our area, encouraging all of us to involve our congregations.  I was a bit disgruntled to learn that this long established organization was very proud that since around 1900 it had included women--in an auxiliary, and continued to have separate (but "equal") roles for men and women.  Later, a young pastor from one of the non-denominational churches reiterated an invitation to an annual Prayer Walk in our community.  I was fairly certain that some of the prayers would be in direct opposition to what my parish would pray.  I should say that my parish is likely the most progressive in town.
     My cowardice was my failure to question the presenters.  I did not want to create any tension.  And, perhaps that was wise.   But I passed by an opportunity to positively state what we are all about!  And it didn't even occur to me until the next morning as I sipped my coffee!  In the last part of the meeting, we are invited to share important occasions in each of our churches.  I could so easily have shared my joy at participating just a week before in my first blessing of a same gender marriage.  But I didn't. 


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